Showing posts with label Despair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Despair. Show all posts

Sunday, March 7, 2021


Grief is like a wave on the beach 

It washes in and out

Up and over

Sometimes tiny

Sometimes ominous

It flows through you and over you

It can be gone one minute

Roaring back the next 

Grief is the most painful reminder that you are alive 

It will knock you down to the studs and make you question the why 

It levels you 

Renders you speechless, motionless often without a will 

It is the one shared emotion that can bring us back together again because of the raw nature, the humility and the inequity of its presence 

The only way to get beyond the waves to the serenity of the calm is to go through them 

You can stay on the sandy beach and watch the serene calm on the other side but 

To really feel it, immerse in it, bathe in its tranquility 

Is to muster up the extreme courage 

Take a step in 

Feel the wave ..... its coldness, it’s inhumane nature, slapping you, hitting you knocking you down and often leaving you feeling like you don’t want to get back up

Trudge forward, plant your feet in the ground 

Take small steps 

Turn to the side if you have to

Duck under for a bit and swim

Feel it, take it on

Do what is takes to get to the other side

So you can again rejoice in the calm, the tranquil, the knowing 

Will there be other waves??? 


Each one you conquer will give you the ability to go through the next

Life is not easy, life can be very hard 

Life is not for the weak or faint of heart

But oh is it worth it 

Baby steps my friend 

They can get you through 

So you can make it to the end

Taking one day, one hour, one moment at a time

Accepting what is 

Appreciation and Gratitude for the moment that is now

Look up, look around, question, be curious, be open, be you 

Grief is cruel and it is unkind

You can and will get through this 

One step at a time 

I am here for you, to hold your hand 

To walk side by side

Together we can

Take each wave

As it comes

We can sit in silence or talk it out

Whatever you need is what this is about