Showing posts with label plant based eating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plant based eating. Show all posts

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Vitamix in the house :)


Inaugural kick off of the Vitamix!

She had me at the thai soup.  Sally was demonstrating her Vitamix at the Costco in Torrance.  Sally has a great attitude, a lot of personality and the ability to show you how to make delicious creations in minutes and the clean up is even faster!

Sally made us thai soup, green drink, tortilla soup and banana freeze which even I (a known banana dis-liker as is her sister) thought was delicious. I asked her not to tell my family that I like the bananas freeze as I have been so adamant about Never liking bananas but I decided to fess up myself.

I was sold!!!! Everything was so nutritious, colorful, efficient and effortless -- what more could you want?

I got one of the last white ones, brought it home, cleaned it and displayed it proudly on the counter.

Today I made my own Green Drink that I normally would have juiced.  Kale, spinich, arugula, cilantro, dandelions, carrot, green apple and mango -- added some filtered water and ice ---- Delicious!!!! Took minutes including the clean up as well. Didn't have all the leftover pulp, used way less veggies and fruit and it yielded enough for extra. My juicer looks a little nervous


Next will be soup :)