Saturday, January 19, 2013


I wrote about if it is broke, fix it on 12-2-12.  I decided that I have to take my own advice.  I started with getting AAA out to jump start my car that I had been procrastinating for 3 weeks.  That was the catlylyst that started a monsoon of projects.
I am ecstatic to say that I am sitting here right now typing, feeling serene, calm and accomplished.  That one act lead to checking off a to do list a mile long.  A couple of highlights were:
getting the house painted (muchhhhh needed), going through every closet,  every cupboard, every drawer and oh yes, wait for it........"the garage"!  Within a matter of four days, I had more stuff to donate to the Salvation Army than they were probably even ready for.  When the "army" came that Saturday, I think they gave me more "salvation" than I gave them :).
I feel liberated, free and yes "unencumbered".  Instead of taking a road trip for our holiday vacation time, we dedicated it to checking off the "to do" was sooooooo worth it.  I am more relaxed and anxiety free than any vacation could of given me.

It is true with so many accomplishments - we all know this in our hearts and souls.  It all starts with one small step.

Take the first step and the possibilities are endless :):)

Take it!