Showing posts with label Letting go. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Letting go. Show all posts

Friday, June 3, 2022

Let it Out 🗣

It has to go somewhere 

You can stuff your emotions down to the very bottom of your soul

However somewhere, somehow and usually when you are least expecting it, they will show themselves and not always in the best way 😕

I have been a master at stuffing my emotions, thoughts, feelings, you name it

All in the name of keeping the peace ☮️

How much peace is there really? How much peace do you actually feel?

I am certainly not suggesting letting it go, or out on someone with no filter.... 

I am suggesting finding ways to vent, release, explore and be heard in a way that will bridge, not tear down 🌁

If you don’t honor yourself you are doing a huge disservice to you and everyone around you 

Take time for yourself, be compassionate to yourself

Release write, draw, paint, run, create…… something that allows you to express yourself 

When you can, if you choose to

Find a way to have a kind, compassionate, open conversation to bridge the gap, be heard, be seen and understood  👀🙉👀

If you do not see yourself, hear yourself or understand yourself first, it is going to be very hard for anyone else to.

Connect to your inner child and ask what they want, what they need (a hug? to be told they are loved? stand up for them?)

Let your emotions and feelings out and let them flow in a productive and positive way 

Be seen, be heard, be understood 🗣

👁 👀 U

Thoughts 💭❓ 

Saturday, January 19, 2013


I wrote about if it is broke, fix it on 12-2-12.  I decided that I have to take my own advice.  I started with getting AAA out to jump start my car that I had been procrastinating for 3 weeks.  That was the catlylyst that started a monsoon of projects.
I am ecstatic to say that I am sitting here right now typing, feeling serene, calm and accomplished.  That one act lead to checking off a to do list a mile long.  A couple of highlights were:
getting the house painted (muchhhhh needed), going through every closet,  every cupboard, every drawer and oh yes, wait for it........"the garage"!  Within a matter of four days, I had more stuff to donate to the Salvation Army than they were probably even ready for.  When the "army" came that Saturday, I think they gave me more "salvation" than I gave them :).
I feel liberated, free and yes "unencumbered".  Instead of taking a road trip for our holiday vacation time, we dedicated it to checking off the "to do" was sooooooo worth it.  I am more relaxed and anxiety free than any vacation could of given me.

It is true with so many accomplishments - we all know this in our hearts and souls.  It all starts with one small step.

Take the first step and the possibilities are endless :):)

Take it!