Showing posts with label anxiety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anxiety. Show all posts

Monday, May 22, 2023

Just “Be” 🐝🐝🐝

 Living in the Now — you hear it all the time. Like many things, it is often easier said than done.

That being said, it is one thing you can control and do right now to soothe your soul!!! 🫂

I know for me, I often need to soothe my soul.  We all have so much going on in life some things seemingly good, some seemingly not so good (these things are all relative and in the eye of the beholder)

We can let our minds run away with worrying about the things that have not happened and quite frankly may never happen or the things that have already happened of which we cannot change — both these scenarios are out of our control — unless you have magical powers and if that is the case please use them for good :-)

The point is, if we can learn and teach ourselves to rewire and to just “Be”.🐝

Be in the moment, Be ourselves, Be curious about what is going on right now, Be open to all the possibilities, the environment or people around us in this moment without judgement or attachment and just observation and curiosity — that is a magical power that has the ability to let our systems relax, rewire and regulate themselves right now.

This is just my thought of the day — take it or leave it (I know some circumstances and situations might be much more dire and horrific of which this certainly may not apply).

Many things — the day to day challenges that we can often make worse with our current mindset —time  travel back or forward — can be remediated by living in the present moment, giving our mind, body and soul respite by letting ourselves “Be” exactly who were are, as we are, with exactly what we need right in this moment.

With Much Light 💡 and Love 💕 

Small Steps Big Things 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The Thing About Being Stuck

The truth is you often know what you should do however sometimes if you are at a point where you are stuck and overwhelmed even the best advice just seems like more of a pile on then help

All you really want to do is crawl in a hole or binge watch under the covers or both :-)

As they say, btw, I can’t wait to meet “they” some day :-)

“The only way out is Through”

One way through is to give yourself permission to do a bit of a recoil, allow yourself to feel and decompress and then, commit to one step 

One small step that represents some sort of action 

It can be as small as brushing your teeth, answering an email, preparing a meal, walking outside   —- something that produces some kinetic energy ( a body in motion tend to stay in motion)

Then build off of that 

Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion you would someone else 

Remember we often take two steps back to take one forward 

Stay curious and open without judgment, let go and let the journey flow 

Everything that needs to get done will get done in it’s time by taking one small step at a time 

Or ….get some goo be gone and put it under your feet 👣 😹👣 

With love much love 💕 and light 💡 

Friday, June 3, 2022

Let it Out 🗣

It has to go somewhere 

You can stuff your emotions down to the very bottom of your soul

However somewhere, somehow and usually when you are least expecting it, they will show themselves and not always in the best way 😕

I have been a master at stuffing my emotions, thoughts, feelings, you name it

All in the name of keeping the peace ☮️

How much peace is there really? How much peace do you actually feel?

I am certainly not suggesting letting it go, or out on someone with no filter.... 

I am suggesting finding ways to vent, release, explore and be heard in a way that will bridge, not tear down 🌁

If you don’t honor yourself you are doing a huge disservice to you and everyone around you 

Take time for yourself, be compassionate to yourself

Release write, draw, paint, run, create…… something that allows you to express yourself 

When you can, if you choose to

Find a way to have a kind, compassionate, open conversation to bridge the gap, be heard, be seen and understood  👀🙉👀

If you do not see yourself, hear yourself or understand yourself first, it is going to be very hard for anyone else to.

Connect to your inner child and ask what they want, what they need (a hug? to be told they are loved? stand up for them?)

Let your emotions and feelings out and let them flow in a productive and positive way 

Be seen, be heard, be understood 🗣

👁 👀 U

Thoughts 💭❓ 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Acceptance is a Gift 💝

Ahhhhh denial, it is a fun place to visit but not a great place to live.

Acceptance is certainly by no means an easy destination to travel to 🚙

First of all, there is usually not a clear roadmap 🧭 and defiantly no app with GPS that will easily guide us there, letting us know the best route, where the traffic is and perhaps where to stop and take breaks along the way…… I am sure that this app is in the works and maybe it is here and I do not know it. If it is, please let me know 😌

Acceptance is one of those road trips where you have to let go, sometimes meander, pay attention to the signs 🪧 and your surroundings and let the destination find you at the right time. It cannot be forced or pre planned.

It is a journey that will not be in a comfy first class airline seat ✈️ or high end luxury vehicle 🏎 and you cannot source it out to a Lyft or Uber to take you there. 

This journey is one that needs to be done step by step 🪜 one day or one minute at a time. You don’t get to pack, so you will need to muster up all the resilience, adaptability, and support you can along the way. It will be very uncomfortable, you often won’t recognize the beautiful spots along the way. At points this journey may be disheartening and darn right tortuous.

I do assure you though, once you arrive and you WILL ARRIVE, your SUFFERING will end and PEACE ☮️ will be restored. You will look back and see the journey in a whole new light 💡 It will be one of knowing, clarity and wisdom that will change your soul and your life forever. If I could tell you the who, what, why, where, when and the how I would as It crushes me to see people suffer………actually, I would not tell you. This journey is yours to be taken and in the end will be your gift 💝 …..your gift to yourself.I know, I know, you think I am being sadistic. The gift will be the metamorphic change that you will experience and your gift to others if you choose to share it. Share what you have learned and help those along the way find a little comfort knowing that they too can and will get to the other side and reach their destination .

Small steps 🐾 my friends, let people help along the way, use your resources, have faith in yourself, others and if you believe in a higher power have faith in your higher power. Be open and adaptable, have compassion for yourself and the situation/person and buckle up…… will get to BIG THINGS.

I send you so much 💕 and 💡 

Would love to hear your stories of acceptance, thoughts or how you do acceptance :-). This is just my personal roadmap I thought I would share 

If looking for a quick pick me up check us out on Instagram @ Doggslife 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Overwhelm from ☹️ to 😊


They (all the sources that I read from) say anxiety is worrying about future events that haven’t happened yet ...if I reflect, I would say that is now what????

I was talking to my sister and we were discussing what to do with all of the things in our parents house when they are both no longer here with us on earth 🌎..... she said “we will start room by room”

Now you would think from someone who writes a blog called small steps big things that this would be obvious!!! Right???

I think it just goes to show, when you are in your own problem, suffering, anxious or are navigating certain circumstances .....collaborating and having more than one set of eyes on the issue at hand can be revolutionary, liberating and eye opening!!!

I share this because that one suggestion really help put my mind at ease ....Yes!!! I can do one room at a time ...more importantly, 

We can do one room at a time, take time doing it and work together in a team 😊🥳😊

Let’s face it, life is challenging, especially when we try to take things on all by ourselves, live in our heads and try and tackle everything at once.

I love you sis and am grateful for you and our relationship.

I hope this helps put someone else’s mind at ease

Take small steps so you too can achieve big things!!!!
