Showing posts with label small steps big things. Show all posts
Showing posts with label small steps big things. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The Thing About Being Stuck

The truth is you often know what you should do however sometimes if you are at a point where you are stuck and overwhelmed even the best advice just seems like more of a pile on then help

All you really want to do is crawl in a hole or binge watch under the covers or both :-)

As they say, btw, I can’t wait to meet “they” some day :-)

“The only way out is Through”

One way through is to give yourself permission to do a bit of a recoil, allow yourself to feel and decompress and then, commit to one step 

One small step that represents some sort of action 

It can be as small as brushing your teeth, answering an email, preparing a meal, walking outside   —- something that produces some kinetic energy ( a body in motion tend to stay in motion)

Then build off of that 

Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion you would someone else 

Remember we often take two steps back to take one forward 

Stay curious and open without judgment, let go and let the journey flow 

Everything that needs to get done will get done in it’s time by taking one small step at a time 

Or ….get some goo be gone and put it under your feet ðŸ‘£ ðŸ˜¹ðŸ‘£ 

With love much love ðŸ’• and light ðŸ’¡ 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Overwhelm from ☹️ to 😊


They (all the sources that I read from) say anxiety is worrying about future events that haven’t happened yet ...if I reflect, I would say that is now what????

I was talking to my sister and we were discussing what to do with all of the things in our parents house when they are both no longer here with us on earth ðŸŒŽ..... she said “we will start room by room”

Now you would think from someone who writes a blog called small steps big things that this would be obvious!!! Right???

I think it just goes to show, when you are in your own problem, suffering, anxious or are navigating certain circumstances .....collaborating and having more than one set of eyes on the issue at hand can be revolutionary, liberating and eye opening!!!

I share this because that one suggestion really help put my mind at ease ....Yes!!! I can do one room at a time ...more importantly, 

We can do one room at a time, take time doing it and work together in a team ðŸ˜ŠðŸ¥³ðŸ˜Š

Let’s face it, life is challenging, especially when we try to take things on all by ourselves, live in our heads and try and tackle everything at once.

I love you sis and am grateful for you and our relationship.

I hope this helps put someone else’s mind at ease

Take small steps so you too can achieve big things!!!!


Sunday, April 18, 2021

All In !!!


I am always talking about small steps and big things....well, I just took the big step!!! 

After years of taking small steps, working on infrastructure and branding and all the things in between :). I am thrilled and excited to have finally re launched my passion project

It is funny how we work and work and pontificate along the way.  Sometimes it seems like we are taking steps forward and sometimes backwards. Often we question, what the heck are we doing anyway???

As I look upon this momentous day for me, it might seem like this was all done over a small time frame. As I look back to my vision, my plan, the learning/educating, collaborations and all the small steps along the way...that is the work that makes it happen.  There is the one thing today though that sets it apart ...that is the LEAP.... jumping all in and going for it!!!

I know there will be mistakes, more changes and evolution. Today I am going to bask in the excitement of making dreams reality.

If you would like to check out my dream go to :):):)

What is your dream???

Monday, April 5, 2021

You Won!

You won!  Those two magic words.... or are they???

What if I was never at war with you?  Who really wins anyway and what is winning?

What if we both could win and be on the same team?

Winning is such an arbitrary and subjective word.

Wouldn’t it be better if we could all just take a step back, breathe and figure out what we are all looking for and find a way where we can meet in the middle and all get our needs met?

If we are being honest, aren’t we all just looking to be heard, understood and loved and valued for who we are?

The truth is, it is probably easier to have knee jerk reactions, stand by and defend our long held beliefs and convictions then to take the time to listen, absorb, educate, look at all points of view and then formulate a reaction, plan or stance.

Those things all take time, patience, an open mind and willingness to maybe even be and admit being wrong.........wait whaaattttttt???? Yup, I said it ....there is a possibility that you are wrong! 

Would you be surprised to know that when you are wrong you can actually be right? 

If you are willing to be wrong, you might just find there is a better way, a new idea, belief, thought process that is better than what you previously thought.

All that being said, a first step the next time you find yourself wanting to “win” a disagreement is:

Stop (imagine the person as their child self is hard to be mad at a child)

Don’t React 


And see if there are more similarities than differences, or maybe what someone is saying actually makes sense. You may just find you are on the same side and fighting for the same things ...they are just wrapped in difference packages:)

I dare you :)

Take the first step, you might find yourself pleasantly surprised and that everyone ‘Wins”


Saturday, March 20, 2021

Maybe Good Enough is Enough

How many times do we put things off until we can get it right, do it right, not make a mistake....and so on and so on.  We torture ourselves over the minutia and the procrastination, the overwhelm that can just lead to apathy and then nothing happens :(

What if good enough is enough??? What if just taking one step towards doing one thing on that project your putting off or that task that needs to be done or that email you need to write??? 

What if you take one tiny step? If might not be the perfect step but it is the one that puts you in motion... it is the one that starts the process of kinetic energy. I am not sure why or how I remember that a body in motion stays in motion and a body at rest stays at me I am no physicist ... I don’t even know if that is a principle of physics :-) If there was only a device I could quickly look that up on...oh yes there is and it is, I did learn something in school;):);)

What I do know is that once you start moving, it makes it much easier to continue to move and next thing you know you look back and accomplish something and it FEELS GREAT! 

Take this quick blog post today .... it started with one word, one concept and kept going until now.  It is not perfect but it is something.

So I ask you .... what is one step you could take?  You don’t know....if you did know, what would it be?

Take the step, I dare you .... then let us know what it was and we can celebrate together!!!!


Happy First Day of Spring

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Letting Go

Sometimes, things, jobs, relationships just run their course.  We try and hold on to these things and really they are just holding us.  Why is it in life we are so scared to let go and terrified to let life's changes happen?
If one looks back in their life, most doors closed do open another more spectacular door.
The more we grip on the more we lose our grip.  The truth is, that sometimes it is just over or time to let go :(
As sad as that can be to come to terms with, it is often a true test to our character and a growth experience that most frequently can lead to the better.  One must walk through the sadness to emerge out the other side as a more beautiful and fulfilled soul and spirit.
I do not suggest that it will be easy by any stretch of the imagination! Depending on what one is letting go of, the harder it can be.  What I do know is, the more we fight it, the longer we stay in the sadness.
I have to remind myself to have faith, be open, be mindful, try and put things in perspective and learn what I can from the experience, when I can.

Be kind to yourselves and others. Take the Small Steps, so you can get to the Big Things :):);)

Sunday, May 18, 2014


I am back :) Been remiss in uodating the Tri Status. Since finishing Santa Barbara Tri, I have completed three additonal since. Long Beach, Seal Beach and Race the Base (Reverse Tri - Very Fun)!

Each race has been an adventure, many learning lessons but most of all given me a sense of accomplishment.

The act of signing up for your next event keeps you motivated to train and push yourself.  I have just signed up to return to the crime scene, Santa Barbara, where it all began.

I look forward to updating you all on the event - gonna go for a ride right now :):):)

Keep taking Small Steps to achieve Big Things - share your small steps with us.

If you are looking for some fun workout wear visit us at

Saturday, January 19, 2013


I wrote about if it is broke, fix it on 12-2-12.  I decided that I have to take my own advice.  I started with getting AAA out to jump start my car that I had been procrastinating for 3 weeks.  That was the catlylyst that started a monsoon of projects.
I am ecstatic to say that I am sitting here right now typing, feeling serene, calm and accomplished.  That one act lead to checking off a to do list a mile long.  A couple of highlights were:
getting the house painted (muchhhhh needed), going through every closet,  every cupboard, every drawer and oh yes, wait for it........"the garage"!  Within a matter of four days, I had more stuff to donate to the Salvation Army than they were probably even ready for.  When the "army" came that Saturday, I think they gave me more "salvation" than I gave them :).
I feel liberated, free and yes "unencumbered".  Instead of taking a road trip for our holiday vacation time, we dedicated it to checking off the "to do" was sooooooo worth it.  I am more relaxed and anxiety free than any vacation could of given me.

It is true with so many accomplishments - we all know this in our hearts and souls.  It all starts with one small step.

Take the first step and the possibilities are endless :):)

Take it!