Showing posts with label getting things done. Show all posts
Showing posts with label getting things done. Show all posts

Sunday, April 18, 2021

All In !!!


I am always talking about small steps and big things....well, I just took the big step!!! 

After years of taking small steps, working on infrastructure and branding and all the things in between :). I am thrilled and excited to have finally re launched my passion project

It is funny how we work and work and pontificate along the way.  Sometimes it seems like we are taking steps forward and sometimes backwards. Often we question, what the heck are we doing anyway???

As I look upon this momentous day for me, it might seem like this was all done over a small time frame. As I look back to my vision, my plan, the learning/educating, collaborations and all the small steps along the way...that is the work that makes it happen.  There is the one thing today though that sets it apart ...that is the LEAP.... jumping all in and going for it!!!

I know there will be mistakes, more changes and evolution. Today I am going to bask in the excitement of making dreams reality.

If you would like to check out my dream go to :):):)

What is your dream???

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Maybe Good Enough is Enough

How many times do we put things off until we can get it right, do it right, not make a mistake....and so on and so on.  We torture ourselves over the minutia and the procrastination, the overwhelm that can just lead to apathy and then nothing happens :(

What if good enough is enough??? What if just taking one step towards doing one thing on that project your putting off or that task that needs to be done or that email you need to write??? 

What if you take one tiny step? If might not be the perfect step but it is the one that puts you in motion... it is the one that starts the process of kinetic energy. I am not sure why or how I remember that a body in motion stays in motion and a body at rest stays at me I am no physicist ... I don’t even know if that is a principle of physics :-) If there was only a device I could quickly look that up on...oh yes there is and it is, I did learn something in school;):);)

What I do know is that once you start moving, it makes it much easier to continue to move and next thing you know you look back and accomplish something and it FEELS GREAT! 

Take this quick blog post today .... it started with one word, one concept and kept going until now.  It is not perfect but it is something.

So I ask you .... what is one step you could take?  You don’t know....if you did know, what would it be?

Take the step, I dare you .... then let us know what it was and we can celebrate together!!!!


Happy First Day of Spring