Showing posts with label mini triathlon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mini triathlon. Show all posts

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Letting Go

Sometimes, things, jobs, relationships just run their course.  We try and hold on to these things and really they are just holding us.  Why is it in life we are so scared to let go and terrified to let life's changes happen?
If one looks back in their life, most doors closed do open another more spectacular door.
The more we grip on the more we lose our grip.  The truth is, that sometimes it is just over or time to let go :(
As sad as that can be to come to terms with, it is often a true test to our character and a growth experience that most frequently can lead to the better.  One must walk through the sadness to emerge out the other side as a more beautiful and fulfilled soul and spirit.
I do not suggest that it will be easy by any stretch of the imagination! Depending on what one is letting go of, the harder it can be.  What I do know is, the more we fight it, the longer we stay in the sadness.
I have to remind myself to have faith, be open, be mindful, try and put things in perspective and learn what I can from the experience, when I can.

Be kind to yourselves and others. Take the Small Steps, so you can get to the Big Things :):);)

Sunday, May 18, 2014


I am back :) Been remiss in uodating the Tri Status. Since finishing Santa Barbara Tri, I have completed three additonal since. Long Beach, Seal Beach and Race the Base (Reverse Tri - Very Fun)!

Each race has been an adventure, many learning lessons but most of all given me a sense of accomplishment.

The act of signing up for your next event keeps you motivated to train and push yourself.  I have just signed up to return to the crime scene, Santa Barbara, where it all began.

I look forward to updating you all on the event - gonna go for a ride right now :):):)

Keep taking Small Steps to achieve Big Things - share your small steps with us.

If you are looking for some fun workout wear visit us at

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Road to First Mini Triathlon


Wow how the time is flying by!  Finished month two training in North Carolina and Baltimore.  Between the hotel gyms and the Lakes in Carolina I was able to keep up my training regimen. The lake swim was good practice.  Need to do ocean next.

Have now completed week one of month 3.  I did a bike ride today with hills and have learned that after two weeks of no hill training it definitely shows.  I had to actually stop for a second and catch my breath.  Went farther and longer than I thought despite wanting to stop a couple times -- I am glad I did as I got to see a bunny, the top of Friendship Park and raced a squirrel (the squirrel won).

I have found that I am starting to shift into competitive mode instead of the original mission which was just to have fun and complete the task -- not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, I will keep you posted :):);)