Showing posts with label Acceptance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acceptance. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Let them Pass Through

Thoughts and feeling are often strange visitors that can seem to speak in a foreign tongue. πŸ˜› 

What I have learned over the years is that for me, to stay in a preferable emotional state I need to invite them in, acknowledge, thank them for visiting and then let them be on there merry way.

They are visitors who bring information to be observed and acknowledged — sometimes the information is such that I want to get curious about it and some of it might be true and some maybe not so true. Whatever the case, if I don’t greet it, observe it and thank, it will usually hide away in a dark closet somewhere and will keep coming back until I let it through (“You cannot ignore me Dan” as so eloquently put by Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction πŸ‡)

Our 🧠 brains, bodies  and nervous systems are quite amazing really. 

I have learned (the hard way I might add, which is how I often learn😊)

Is that it is important to get still and listen πŸ‘‚ to this miraculous GPS system we each have within us. To honor it and be kind, compassionate and caring. To love it without judgement and respect the wonder and awe that is within each of us.

We all are such remarkable creatures and are learning, unlearning and growing along the way. Consider honoring and inviting all the thoughts and feelings into your house and let them share their information and pass through.

With love ❤️ and light πŸ’‘ 

Thank you for reading,

Small Steps, Big Things 

Friday, June 3, 2022

Who Are You Really Mad At❓

I have noticed lately that I am carrying around quite a bit of anger 😑

I of course, maybe like you, carry it inside.  

I don’t typically express my anger.  

It just sits below the surface, seething and looming and pops out in ways that don’t serve anyone.  

I try and repress it and or don’t even know it is there until I really sit and observe quietly.  

Usually my anger shows up in frustration, apathy, sadness or depression.  

When I am able to sit quietly without judgement for myself or others, I most often realize the person or thing I am angry at is MYSELF.

It is tough to be angry at yourself because the buck stops here :-0 

It is a self inflicted wound that could have been prevented (presumably)

I ultimately get angry at myself for allowing my boundaries that I so carefully have tried to construct (this of course took decades to do) 

get completely obliterated!

Saying yes to things I should say NO 🚫to 

Not speaking up or speaking out πŸ—£

Doing things for other peoples comfort or benefit and ignoring or minimizing the impact it will have on me or my loved ones πŸ’•

Falling into old patterns

Falling out of new more healthy patternsπŸ˜”

Failing to utilize all of the learning and lessons that have been taught to me the last couple of years πŸ“š

The list goes on ✍️

Yes, angry at myself!!!

Now what ❓❓❓

Now, I need to forgive myself and find compassion for myself

Perhaps these are just continued layers of the journey of life 

to love myself just the way I am and know that there is always more to learn along the way and consistently work to get better

Be open, be curious, observe without judgment & with much compassion my thoughts, my patterns and my actions 

Acceptance and Forgiveness of myself, for myself so that I can show up in a better way for me and everyone around me 

That is my action step for today.

What is yours?  What are your thoughts πŸ’­

Would love to readπŸ“–/hearπŸ‘‚ them 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Acceptance is a Gift πŸ’

Ahhhhh denial, it is a fun place to visit but not a great place to live.

Acceptance is certainly by no means an easy destination to travel to πŸš™

First of all, there is usually not a clear roadmap 🧭 and defiantly no app with GPS that will easily guide us there, letting us know the best route, where the traffic is and perhaps where to stop and take breaks along the way…… I am sure that this app is in the works and maybe it is here and I do not know it. If it is, please let me know 😌

Acceptance is one of those road trips where you have to let go, sometimes meander, pay attention to the signs πŸͺ§ and your surroundings and let the destination find you at the right time. It cannot be forced or pre planned.

It is a journey that will not be in a comfy first class airline seat ✈️ or high end luxury vehicle 🏎 and you cannot source it out to a Lyft or Uber to take you there. 

This journey is one that needs to be done step by step πŸͺœ one day or one minute at a time. You don’t get to pack, so you will need to muster up all the resilience, adaptability, and support you can along the way. It will be very uncomfortable, you often won’t recognize the beautiful spots along the way. At points this journey may be disheartening and darn right tortuous.

I do assure you though, once you arrive and you WILL ARRIVE, your SUFFERING will end and PEACE ☮️ will be restored. You will look back and see the journey in a whole new light πŸ’‘ It will be one of knowing, clarity and wisdom that will change your soul and your life forever. If I could tell you the who, what, why, where, when and the how I would as It crushes me to see people suffer………actually, I would not tell you. This journey is yours to be taken and in the end will be your gift πŸ’ …..your gift to yourself.I know, I know, you think I am being sadistic. The gift will be the metamorphic change that you will experience and your gift to others if you choose to share it. Share what you have learned and help those along the way find a little comfort knowing that they too can and will get to the other side and reach their destination .

Small steps 🐾 my friends, let people help along the way, use your resources, have faith in yourself, others and if you believe in a higher power have faith in your higher power. Be open and adaptable, have compassion for yourself and the situation/person and buckle up…… will get to BIG THINGS.

I send you so much πŸ’• and πŸ’‘ 

Would love to hear your stories of acceptance, thoughts or how you do acceptance :-). This is just my personal roadmap I thought I would share 

If looking for a quick pick me up check us out on Instagram @ Doggslife