Showing posts with label forgiveness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forgiveness. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Does it Really Matter

More and More I try to ask myself this question?

Does it really matter????

This can apply to so may things in life especially when it seems like things are happening to me and not for me 

An argument

A difference in opinion

A change wanted or unwanted 

How much time do we want to invest in ruminating, agitating, arguing over something that in the long run, most likely does not even matter!!!

How many things really are that important to put our stake in the ground?

Our health, sanity, relationships with others/ourselves, etc at risk?

The truth is so many things (although it may not seem like it at the time) are happening for us not to us

If that is true, then now what???

Take some deep breaths, sit quietly and reflect 

Does this matter?

Is this really going to make a difference?

Is it true?

Maybe it is? Maybe it isn’t?

Consider seeing it from a different vantage point 

What is happening? What could this be teaching me? What lessons could I or others be learning? What (despite the level of pain, confusion or suffering that may be included) is the flip side of this?

I am certainly not saying that some situations are not horrible or even horrific, devastating or tragic. I am certainly not minimizing anyones feelings or suffering.

I am saying that many things we work ourselves up about are not (in the long run) worth the energy or effort that we give to it.

I am saying that even things that show up that are awful can have a deeper meaning when we are ready to see it, learn it or share it 

For the things that we have determined are not worth the energy and are more ego than substance;

Show up, step into it, take the reigns and be the victor and not the victim (no judgment, guilty of victim hood plenty of times)

For the things that are devastating, tragic, heartbreaking 

Take time, feel the feelings, be gentle with yourself and others, be compassionate  and be kind and let the grieving process happen in its natural way 

Be kind, be compassionate, be gentle, carry a forgiving heart with yourselves and others 

Take some steps back and assess what is really going on and how can I best show up in this situation 

With much love ❤️ and light ๐Ÿ’ก 

Thank you for visiting,

Small Steps, Big Things 

Friday, June 3, 2022

Who Are You Really Mad At❓

I have noticed lately that I am carrying around quite a bit of anger ๐Ÿ˜ก

I of course, maybe like you, carry it inside.  

I don’t typically express my anger.  

It just sits below the surface, seething and looming and pops out in ways that don’t serve anyone.  

I try and repress it and or don’t even know it is there until I really sit and observe quietly.  

Usually my anger shows up in frustration, apathy, sadness or depression.  

When I am able to sit quietly without judgement for myself or others, I most often realize the person or thing I am angry at is MYSELF.

It is tough to be angry at yourself because the buck stops here :-0 

It is a self inflicted wound that could have been prevented (presumably)

I ultimately get angry at myself for allowing my boundaries that I so carefully have tried to construct (this of course took decades to do) 

get completely obliterated!

Saying yes to things I should say NO ๐Ÿšซto 

Not speaking up or speaking out ๐Ÿ—ฃ

Doing things for other peoples comfort or benefit and ignoring or minimizing the impact it will have on me or my loved ones ๐Ÿ’•

Falling into old patterns

Falling out of new more healthy patterns๐Ÿ˜”

Failing to utilize all of the learning and lessons that have been taught to me the last couple of years ๐Ÿ“š

The list goes on ✍️

Yes, angry at myself!!!

Now what ❓❓❓

Now, I need to forgive myself and find compassion for myself

Perhaps these are just continued layers of the journey of life 

to love myself just the way I am and know that there is always more to learn along the way and consistently work to get better

Be open, be curious, observe without judgment & with much compassion my thoughts, my patterns and my actions 

Acceptance and Forgiveness of myself, for myself so that I can show up in a better way for me and everyone around me 

That is my action step for today.

What is yours?  What are your thoughts ๐Ÿ’ญ

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