Saturday, January 19, 2013


I wrote about if it is broke, fix it on 12-2-12.  I decided that I have to take my own advice.  I started with getting AAA out to jump start my car that I had been procrastinating for 3 weeks.  That was the catlylyst that started a monsoon of projects.
I am ecstatic to say that I am sitting here right now typing, feeling serene, calm and accomplished.  That one act lead to checking off a to do list a mile long.  A couple of highlights were:
getting the house painted (muchhhhh needed), going through every closet,  every cupboard, every drawer and oh yes, wait for it........"the garage"!  Within a matter of four days, I had more stuff to donate to the Salvation Army than they were probably even ready for.  When the "army" came that Saturday, I think they gave me more "salvation" than I gave them :).
I feel liberated, free and yes "unencumbered".  Instead of taking a road trip for our holiday vacation time, we dedicated it to checking off the "to do" was sooooooo worth it.  I am more relaxed and anxiety free than any vacation could of given me.

It is true with so many accomplishments - we all know this in our hearts and souls.  It all starts with one small step.

Take the first step and the possibilities are endless :):)

Take it!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

If it is broke, fix it!

Start with the little things that are on your list of things that are broken.  A figurine that needs a piece glued on, a doorknob that needs its screw tightened, your Internet connection that you just need to call the provider to come fix -- the small things will lead to bigger things. Your to do list will start shortening before your eyes and your stress level/tension will start to diminish.

You will probably find that completing these tasks frees up your brain to start accomplishing other, maybe bigger tasks, creative, financial, etc..

Small Steps, Big Things :)

Take the first small step!