Saturday, September 26, 2015

Letting Go

Sometimes, things, jobs, relationships just run their course.  We try and hold on to these things and really they are just holding us.  Why is it in life we are so scared to let go and terrified to let life's changes happen?
If one looks back in their life, most doors closed do open another more spectacular door.
The more we grip on the more we lose our grip.  The truth is, that sometimes it is just over or time to let go :(
As sad as that can be to come to terms with, it is often a true test to our character and a growth experience that most frequently can lead to the better.  One must walk through the sadness to emerge out the other side as a more beautiful and fulfilled soul and spirit.
I do not suggest that it will be easy by any stretch of the imagination! Depending on what one is letting go of, the harder it can be.  What I do know is, the more we fight it, the longer we stay in the sadness.
I have to remind myself to have faith, be open, be mindful, try and put things in perspective and learn what I can from the experience, when I can.

Be kind to yourselves and others. Take the Small Steps, so you can get to the Big Things :):);)


  1. Please keep posting!! I have enjoyed reading your blog so much and your insight has helped me immensely! So thank you and keep your chin up because you are right about what you say about letting go. Unfortunately, it's just a tough walk getting through it. Laura

  2. Laura, thank you so much for posting. I am remiss in that I believe this is the first time I saw your true apologies! I am not the best in the ins and outs of blogging, i.e. reply posts :(, :).
    You are so correct about a tough walk, I can say with confidence though yet again we do emerge stronger. I hope you are well. I so much appreciate your words of encouragement.
